Monday, 7:00 AM to 8:30 AM16/10/2023
Silica: Victoria’s regulatory approach and what is new for occupational hygienists.
Join WorkSafe Victoria and the AIOH for breakfast as they discuss the Crystalline Silica Regulations and relevant air monitoring requirements as part of Health and Safety Month.
The Victorian Crystalline Silica Regulations have been in force for over 12 months and occupational hygienists are becoming more involved in identifying high risk crystalline silica work, completing crystalline silica hazard control statements, identifying appropriate controls and ensuring other legislative requirements are understood.
Air monitoring is becoming common place in workplaces where silica exposure is the predominant hazard. WorkSafe along with the AIOH will discuss recent findings, best practice and a new guidance that will address measurement uncertainty.
This session has been tailored for occupational hygienists and those working in this area to understand how technical and scientific skills can be applied to minimise Silica exposure and reduce harm for Victorian workers.
Come along to hear from the regulator and the AIOH, network with your colleagues and ask any questions you’ve had about Silica exposure management in Victoria.
Jeremy Trotman AIOH
Perdita Dickson Work Safe Victoria
Robert Golec AMCOSH & AIOH Workplace Exposure Assessment Committee
Halil Ahmet Work Safe Victoria
0.2 CM points awarded to COH members for attendance. Please login to book your event and secure your CM points.
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