Recording  EHG - Ask Me Anything - Respiratory Protection - Mark Reggers
Recorded 25 July 2024  EHG Members, we are hosting an 'Ask Me Anything' With Mark Reggers MAIOH COH
August Webinar Recording - The Evolution of a Fast Fit Test Protocol
TSI will provide a brief update on future PortaCount™ Respirator Fit Tester software developments around improvement to centralised record-keeping capabilities as well as a brief update on the AS/NZS ISO Suite of Standards Adoption and Transition.
November Webinar Recording - Lessons from Past Turnarounds
The storyline of this presentation would be presented from the perspective of a newly recruited occupational hygienist who is preparing for their first turnaround, how they play a pivotal role during every stage of the process and how they must adapt to dynamic conditions. Additionally, this would serve as a refresher for seasoned professionals, enriching their understanding and application of best practices during critical turnaround periods.
AIOH24 Highlight Reel
AIOH24 Highlight Reel  
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