AIOH Chapter Meeting – ACLCA Invites you to The Garden State. What are we doing about asbestos in mulch? – AIOH

AIOH Chapter Meeting – ACLCA Invites you to The Garden State. What are we doing about asbestos in mulch?

State Chapter Meeting

Event details

  • Arup Sky Park, One Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street , Docklands Vic 3008
  • 18/06/2024
  • Tuesday, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM
  • Contact ACLCA Direct
  • External Non-AIOH

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AIOH Chapter Meeting – ACLCA Invites you to The Garden State. What are we doing about asbestos in mulch?


Tuesday, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM


External Non-AIOH

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AIOH Chapter Meeting – ACLCA Invites you to The Garden State. What are we doing about asbestos in mulch?


Tuesday, 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM


The Garden State. What are we doing about asbestos in mulch?

Join the ACLCA Asbestos in Soil Subcommittee in discussing the asbestos in mulch landscape in Victoria. Has Victoria avoided the issues seen NSW? If so, how? What has the consulting industry and EPA seen in the last six months and how does mulching work in Victoria? Bring your experiences and questions to contribute to the discussion.

Please join us IN PERSON at Arup for networking, drinks and nibbles 5:30-6pm and presentation 6-7pm. This event is free and open to ACLCA Vic members only. ACLCA Victoria have also extended the invite to members of the Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists (AIOH).

Face 2 Face spots are limited - do not register for F2F is you don't believe you will be able to attend.




Duncan Pendrigh (Director Regulatory Services – EPA Victoria)
Duncan Pendrigh has been an environmental regulator for more than twenty years. Duncan leads a team of specialists that support EPAs field compliance & enforcement and engagement services across the state and specific compliance programs. Duncan oversees the designing of compliance projects to prevent serious environmental harm, including financial assurance, litter and vehicle emissions enforcement, waste tracking compliance, waste stockpiling and management, landfills and contaminated land, remote piloted air systems.

Chris Wearne (Ecodynamics)
Chris Wearne has been working within the organics recycling industry for over 25 years.  Chris began with Mossrock Mulch recycling both green organics and timber waste.  Now with Ecodynamics, Chris is the General Manager of their Mulch division which focuses on the manufacturing of recycled timber and pine-based mulches.  Ecodynamics also have developed their own soil and compost blends which are used predominately through their Services division.

Ecodynamics Mulch, previously Mossrock Mulch, have been in operation for over 55 years and have become one of the largest timber recycling and mulch producing companies within Victoria, consistently recycling and processing between 130,000 – 150,000 cubic metres of recycled timber mulch per annum.

Steven Bos (Prensa Pty Ltd)
Steven Bos has consulted in asbestos in soil issues for over 20 years. He is the chair of the asbestos in soil subcommittee and an EPA appointed contaminated land auditor.
Steven has been involved in many of Melbourne’s asbestos in soil assessments and remediation projects. He plays an important role in the function of Prensa’s in house asbestos laboratory.
He supports a range of clients in Permissioning under Victoria’s new laws, including landfills and resource recovery centres.



The details

Session details

EVENT DATE - 18/06/2024
EVENT START - 5:30 pm
EVENT ENDS - 7:00 pm
EVENT LOCATION - IN PERSON @ Arup (Sky Park, One Melbourne Quarter, 699 Collins Street, Docklands)
COST - Free

Hybrid Event Offerings:

IMPORTANT – We would love to see you all face to face in person at Arup (register via book now link above).
However, if you cannot make it  and would like to attend online please register here



0.2 CM points awarded to COH members for attendance. Please login to book your event and secure your CM points.







