AIOH Chapter Meeting – Central Queensland – May 24th 2024 – AIOH

AIOH Chapter Meeting – Central Queensland – May 24th 2024

State Chapter Meeting

Event details

  • Gladstone Yacht Club - Conference Room - 1 Goondoon St Gladstone QLD 4680
  • 24/05/2024
  • Friday, 4:30 PM to 8:45 PM
  • Contact Jeb Bromley 0438 766 423 |
  • AIOH

Contact event manager

Tickets details  (prices ex GST)

  • $ 25.00 MEMBER
  • $ 35.00 NON MEMBER
  • $ 10.00 STUDENT MEMBER (proof of study required upon entry)
  • $ 15.00 STUDENT NON MEMBER (proof of study required upon entry)
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Organized By AIOH

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AIOH Chapter Meeting – Central Queensland – May 24th 2024

Gladstone (QLD)

Friday, 4:30 PM to 8:45 PM



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AIOH Chapter Meeting – Central Queensland – May 24th 2024

Gladstone (QLD)

Friday, 4:30 PM to 8:45 PM


Innovations in personal HAV exposure monitoring

The Central Queensland Chapter of the AIOH is kicking off with a presentation from Cory Ebinestelli, Director of Mitilabs, and developer of the HAVTrack Smartwatch. Cory will detail the features of the Smartwatch and the science behind it, discuss results from recent trials, and respond to any and all questions on the technology designed to prevent users from reaching harmful hand-arm vibration exposure levels.

In addition to Cory’s presentation, the CQ Chapter will be holding an occupational hygiene quiz night. Quiz Master Jeb will be shooting occupational hygiene questions at teams randomly selected from participant lists. Teams must answer correctly, with a <5% margin of error, and within strict timeframes. Six rounds of ten, increasingly difficult multi-choice and scenario-based questions should sort out the inexperienced from the veterans.


Cory Ebenestelli

Cory Ebenestelli is from an Electrical and Instrumentation background, and has a very personal interest in the prevention of Hand-arm Vibration Syndrome. Cory has been innovating and trialing his Smartwatch for several years to automatically detect and alert users to harmful levels of vibration. The device has now reached a point where it is providing acclerometer-comparitive data in real-time to inform users when action and limit values are being reached. The Smartwatch also maintains historical data for future trend and control efficacy analysis.


Jeb Bromley

Jeb Bromley is a COH with a long history in health, hygiene and safety in metalliferous mining and processing. Jeb is passionate about protecting worker health, and in this situation is trying to combine this passion with her love of trivia. She is yet to work out how to combine occupational hygiene and karaoke….

The details

Session details

Date:   24th May 2024

Schedule: from 4.30PM


Gladstone Yacht Club -MAP

Conference Room

1 Goondoon St Gladstone QLD 4680


AIOH MEMBERS $25.00 plus GST

NON MEMBERS $35.00 plus GST

STUDENTS: $15.00 plus GST proof of study is required upon entry

Catering and beverages will be served.



0438 766 423 |





0.2 CM points awarded to COH members for attendance. Please login to book your event and secure your CM points.






