Thursday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM22/06/2023
External Non-AIOH
ALGA – Risk Assessment Symposium – June 22nd
The Australasian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA) is holding a one day symposium to bring together risk assessment practitioners and all other disciplines where understanding risk is pivotal to robust decision-making. Topics will include the latest development in human and ecological health risk assessment science, putting risk assessment into practice in due diligence, land transactions and planning, and what advances in data analytics mean for risk assessment.
Risk assessment in engrained through contaminated land and groundwater management and it benefits most roles to have a good understanding of the methods and science. Additionally, the tools are ever evolving as they deal with emerging risks, streamline approaches and refine exposure pathways, even experienced practitioners benefit from staying current with the latest development.
You will learn:
Andrew Pearson, Senior Environmental Consultant, Tonkin + Taylor – Chair Carolyn Brumley, Technical Director, Arcadis Jen Martin, Environmental Restoration – Technical Director, Arcadis Australia Pacific Kate Hughes, Director, Ecology Data Bank Services Katie Richardson, National Risk Assessment Practice Leader, Senversa Naomi Cooper, Senior Associate Ecotoxicologist, WSP – Co-Chair Scott Carroll, Remediation Manager, Liberty Industrial
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