Based on our 2018-2023 strategic plan, we developed an action plan that will keep us focused on our major objectives for the year, and help us work more efficiently and collaboratively with our committees and members.

Our five major strategic themes are:
1.    Business minded approach
2.    Professionalism
3.    Enhanced profile
4.    Advocacy and influence
5.    Improved AIOH organisational efficiencies

Advocacy and Influence: On an external affairs front we have been actively advocating for a preventative approach to be incorporated into the national response to the emergence of accelerated silicosis in the manufactured stone benchtop industry.

On the 21st January we met with Senator di Natale, the leader of the Greens to discuss our concerns about the lack of focus on prevention in the initial government response to the emergence of accelerated silicosis.  This meeting focused on the importance of awareness and education targeted at employers and employees (the Breathe Freely Australia program) as well as the need to ensure accurate and appropriate advice is given by a suitably qualified occupational hygienist.  The outcome of this meeting was that the AIOH worked with the Senator to draw up a motion that was tabled in Parliament on the 14th of February and further debated on the 2nd April, 2019.

In addition, the AIOH was invited by the Queensland Office of Industrial Relations, to nominate member/s to the reference group established to develop a clinical guideline for the ongoing monitoring of workers exposed to Respirable Crystalline Silica (RCS).  We are fortunate to now have two members on this working group.


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